Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, "Here am I, Send me!"

"Here I Am, Send Me..."
SEED 2 HARVEST pioneered by Sidney and Janet Tuitama with their two chldren Josiah and Sylvana in 2010. They have always included their children and have travelled as a family to many parts of the World. Sidney and Janet are first generation born in New Zealand with a solid foundation built by their parents Fuiavailili Misa and the Late Siautu Nanai Tuitama and the Late Misa Leati Puatautogia and Sinfatunua Teleiai, who migrated from Samoa to New Zealand in the 1960s. Sidney and Janet have been married for 25 years.
They are "Trailblazers", "Ground-Breakers", "Faith in Action" carrying the "Heart of the Church" as they walk out the call on their lives. They move in obedience to the Lord's instructions.
Sidney a Pastor and Evangelist who carries the Father Heart of God and is a Leader who transcends God's love to others. He is a Faithful man who puts others first before himself. Janet, a Visionary, a Chaplain and Leader for Change who carries a prophetic anointing. She is a Gatherer of people and her life's story depicts "God's Grace". The Tuitama family have been left astounded.